We all dream when were young & growing up of being rich & famous. This may work for some but for most we aren't born with a golden spoon. Therefore we have to work hard every moment of our lives to fulfill these dreams of being successful. No one every said that it would be easy to maintain the lifestyle we want to live. Sometimes you got to be knocked down to your very lowest to be able to stand up and put 100% in. The only thing that really effects us as African Americans is one thing & that is we don't stick together & support each others movements. I'm a give you an example some may get offended but you shouldn't if you're not guilty. When u come to DTLR you want a discount. When u go to Nordstroms you pay full price! When you come to the bar you want a free drink. When you go to Ruth Chris you pay the entire tab & tip 20%. When you get locked up you want a payment plan.When your freedom is at risk you pay your lawyer up front. When I promote a party you want to get in free. When you're out of town you pay extra to get #VIP. Point is we waste way too much time talking shit about this person & what they doing & how they doing instead of jumping on the bandwagon & getting down with the movement so everyone can eat!!!! Look at the other cultures. They have nail salons, restaurants, carwashes, daycares, clubs & much more but difference between us & them & the reason why their dreams become reality is they work together unlike us. We talk about each other & hate. Instead we support their business ventures & make them richer by the day & they just laugh at us everytime they get our hard earned $$$. If you surround yourself with winners that want to be successful and don't mind helping you get your shit off the ground. Trust so many more blessings are waiting for you! Negativity & hate don't pay bills but support & networking do! Reason why because when something not working for you you've got others to fall back on that you've helped in the past. A favor for a favor goes along way.
Enjoy this Money Makin Monday remember grind smarter not harder. KMK Productions
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